I’m pretty organized, (as in OCD-organized) but even I get overwhelmed at times. My upcoming book launch on December 12th has made me feel like my mind is a jumble of wet spaghetti noodles. I want everything to go perfectly, but the pragmatist in me knows it won’t. Still, I try to make the process as painless as possible by making lists and checking them twice and so far I’ve been able to accomplish a lot since I received my official release date. I’ve also discovered a few things I would try to do better next time and so… drumroll please… I present “Laura Kemp’s Book Launch DOs and DON’Ts” for all those who are wondering … and maybe even those who aren’t.
DO get your Reviewers/Blurbers as soon as possible. They have busy lives. You do, too- and sometimes there isn’t a lot of turnaround time between an ARC and a release date. The sooner you have people lined up and ready to go, the better.
DON’T focus on the Blurbers who don’t respond to your inquiries. It’s frustrating, but not unusual, so shake it off and move on to the next. I’ve found that every empty space on the ‘Blurb Roster’ can quickly be filled by someone who is happy to read and review, which is what we all want in the first place.
DO start looking around for places that will either carry your book, give you space for a book signing, or both. I spent a lot of time ‘buttering up’ my local libraries and bookstores. I’ve talked to friends who are part of book clubs to see if they would like me to come in and do a presentation. I even spent part of my summer vacation talking to the owner of the Mackinac Island Bookstore. Think ahead. When you’re out and about and see a cute indie bookstore or café or brewery or whatever, take a minute to talk to the owner. You don’t have to have the book signing tomorrow. They just have to remember you when the time comes to finally pull the trigger, and nine times out of ten a face-to-face meeting is the best way to accomplish that.
DON’T get so carried away with the business side of things that you forget to do what you love most. Every spare moment could be spent preparing for the big launch. My teacher brain automatically wants to prepare for every possible mishap- but I can’t. Sometimes stepping away is the best way to ground ourselves and remember why we got into this crazy business to begin with. We love to write. Or knit. Or do crossword puzzles. Or take long walks in the woods with our Goldendoodle (me!) So do it.
DO get a head start on the copyrighting part of your editorial process. I’m OCD (see above) , so this is actually something I enjoy. But even if you don’t, the last thing an author wants to see is a typo in their shiny new manuscript. The editorial staff will catch what they can, but if you go through your manuscript before you’re under a time crunch it will make the process much smoother.
DO reach out to other authors who have gone through the process before. I’ve found an invaluable pool of resources at Pandamoon Publishing, and I honestly don’t know where I’d be right now without the helpful “paw” of my fellow Pandas. Love you guys!
DON'T be afraid to dream. I have moments when I’m carried away with the thought of strangers reading something that has always belonged to a secret little space in my heart. It scares me. And gives me boundless joy. Relish the thought of people loving your book, allow yourself a brief moment to absorb the reality of your accomplishments- hard work and perseverance have gotten you to a place you once only dreamed about. Enjoy it.