"A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people." Will Rogers
And I agree. Although, lets make it a little more gender neutral and say all people can learn from reading. Not only does it help pass the time, it can provide inspiration, enlightenment, comfort, and of course entertainment.
I've been a voracious reader since I was a child. I remember piling up my American Girl books (Molly FTW) and cracking open a new Nancy Drew novel sitting in my bedroom. As a Navy brat, moving around was hard, and reading was a refuge.
Flash forward to 9th Grade when we were assigned "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. Suddenly I realized that books could be more than entertainment. They could educate. Racial tension was something I wasn't too familiar with living in a predominantly white town in Pennsylvania. That book opened my eyes to the world around me, and shaped how I am today. Books have that power.
As writers, we all want to have the power to give someone that epiphany. Whether it's to educate them on the wider world, or make them think about their own lives, books have a power. Harnessing that power is the job of the writer. And it's tough! That's not to say books without a larger message aren't good too. It's like, sometimes you just need a chocolate cake after going through a cleanse. Sugary, fluffy goodness has value too.
This week being a woman has been hard. So for me, reading a high fantasy book with strong, independent, bad-ass women has helped me cope with some feelings of helplessness that I get when watching the news. Books are my comfort.
I hope they can be yours too!