As an author, books ending up at the dollar store are a strange and curious things. I know several ways it could have happened but there’s no clues to tell me exactly. Was it too many copies? Never sold what was expected? Or maybe it’s such a best seller everyone and their cat already has one. We’ll never know for sure, but I can tell you about what I found on my last trip. I bought the following without much of a clue of what they were so let’s find out together.

This book is like if at the end of the telephone game you were given a copy of the last story. A tale based on a Youtube series that was based on a different book. I’ve never watched the Youtube series but I always heard good things and to see them expand on what they did there in novel form felt like an idea more than worth the rock bottom price for it.
I also got this one not because of what it was, but what it looked like. Proving that covers really do sell books. The design looks like a classic science fiction story was updated and captures that vintage modern feel completely. Be sure to click the Goodreads title link if you want to see what I mean further. Since it's a retelling of a Shakespeare play, maybe it missed the mark but I don’t think so. Anything that makes you want to pick a book up is working well.
In a way, this book is a case of not what you know, but who you know. And I have a soft spot of Tim Gunn. You might know him from Project Runway or you might know him for his activism work. Either way, he’s always a positive force. Part memoir, part self-help book, I'm certain there's plenty of gems in here to help make it work.
The Ring and The Crown Featuring such a classic YA color, this book made me wonder if I had seen it somewhere before. If you pick it up the blurb tells you about princesses, mages, and identity swapping.
Normally, I’d be able to say that hard covers are a rare find at the dollar store, but Exit makes three. “From a renowned sociologist, the wisdom of saying goodbye” is the sort of tag line that makes you believe this book has a secret of life hidden within it.
You know how some books have a more textured feel? This is one of them. You pick it up and just feel the thought that went into it. The book absolutely appears to be about the Jewish experience, which is absolutely a story worth telling and reading if you don’t know much about that.
Have you read any of these? Do you want to? Just jealous of my pumpkin caramel creme candle? Let me know!