Ugh. Finding time to write is hard ya'll. Most writers have full time jobs, full time family, and full time stress. Writing sometimes is the last thing that gets done when things get crazy!
This week, a twitter kerfuffle erupted after Fox "News" posted a picture of an actor working a day job at Trader Joes. Seen as shaming by some people in the artistic community, a fierce backlash happened online. Some people wondered if the outside world realized that artists were humans too. With the same bills, the same stress, and the same responsibilities as so called "normal" people.
This spawned a new twitter hashtag: #Writerswithdayjobs (The thread is super interesting, and shows the wide range of careers and experiences writers have).
As one of those lucky authors with a day job, I struggle everyday with finding a time to write. It doesn't help that my day job involves writing technical documents, so by the time I get home, the last thing I want to do is get back on the computer.
This has led me to carve out time on the weekends as much as possible, and setting word goals for myself. Last weekend I spent two hours in the cafe at Barnes and Noble....away from my distractions...just to get words on the page for my second book. And it worked. Yesterday, on the Labor Day holiday, I listened to the Red Sox game on the radio and sat outside (away from the TV) and got more words on the page. Just carving out time (even if it's not a lot) helps keep the writing going.
You don't have to write everyday either. Sometimes just brainstorming, or relaxing, or watching a mindless tv show is beneficial to your sanity. Don't let people judge you if you can't write every day. My book turned out just fine finishing it on weekends and holidays. Don't make yourself too crazy. Life happens!
But as my fellow Panda Jessica Reino writes in her forthcoming "The Writer's Zen"...."If you write, you're a writer."
So just write! And let life happen!