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Roll With It

by Nola Nash

I'm going to keep this one short and sweet, because, frankly, rolling with it is exhausting. And I've been doing a lot of rolling. So far, most of it has been as graceful as my little friend over there.

You see, a new school year has started and it came with lots of changes. I also started teaching with a new online school program and that has some kinks. So, we roll. And roll. And roll.

Change happens, things don't go our way, and logistical nightmares invade our reality. All the time. Lots of people will tell you, "You just have to roll with it." And, largely, they're right. I mean, what choice do I have? The changes are there and out of my control. I can only do so much on my end to take care of the online school kinks. I have to say, I'm glad making those decisions and ironing those kinks aren't my responsibility. Woo wee! Those folks have a tough job.

We do what we do for reasons larger than ourselves when we work in education. Any teacher who's been around a while will tell you that change in a school can be scary and overwhelming, am I right, teachers? I know some of the changes are much needed and will make things better once we get used to them. The online program is a great option for lots of kids and will be awesome here shortly. It's all worth the hullabaloo. It really is.

But rolling with it can really tucker you out. That means, sometimes we roll part of the way and then take a nap right there. So roll with it, but know that it's absolutely ok to slow your roll, too, and take care of you somewhere in all that stuff.

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