I run an official Little Free Library out of an up-cycled tool-locker that I dubbed The Read Box. The face of it reads "Free Book Rentals $0 per day." (Get it? Like RedBox but for books!)
If you've never heard of a Little Free Library they are free book exchange where stewards set up their own library. They come in many shapes and sizes, but the most common version is a small wooden box of books. Anyone may take a book or bring a book to share. (Often times people just take from it, but I don't mind. Just gives me a reason to buy more books to fill it up!)
I love libraries, and missed working at one, so when I found out you could have your own right outside your door that supports a non-profit and gives to your community, I signed right up.
Each month here I'd let to tell you about some of the books I've filled it with and why. :)
I really love going to the dollar store and Savers and finding what they have. Normally things that go into my Little Free Library are things I've read, but this time I just picked things I heard of and thought they looked good.
Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between To be honest, I know nothing of this series or author. It's simply a really good title. All of the authors work is titled in a way that grabs my attention so maybe it will grab other people's interest too.
Looking for Alaska This was the only one out of this month's additions that I have read. I don't remember it extremely well but I do remember liking it. And always enjoyed the way John Green talks which is also how he writes.
Life of Pi I've only seen the movie which is scandalous I know. I'm not even sure how we ended up watching it, but it was really incredible so I assume the book has even more of that curious and wondrous tale.
The Book Thief I've had so many chances to read this book, but someone told me it is really sad and will mess you up so I've simply always avoided it. But, I know the brave souls who have it seem to love it.
Artemis Fowl I'm always been so very curious about this series, but it came out when I was, like what, nineteen, so the adventures of a 12-year-old kid didn't really appeal to me. Hopefully, some other kid can see what I missed!