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Joanna Evans

The Balance Between Darkness and Light

I started to write this post intending to let you know more about myself, since you’ll be seeing my name run through this blog now and then. My first inclination was to think I’m rather boring, and some of those run-of-the-mill details are available on my Pandamoon bio. I love innocent old movies and TV shows like Pollyanna, Abbott and Costello or Leave it to Beaver. I get really happy when I see other people win on game shows. I take frequent weekend getaways, and very frequent trips to Disney World.

Good, clean, lighthearted fun provides needed balance, because I also find dark and creepy things to be fascinating; old, old cemeteries, for instance. I once lived in a haunted house, and several times I’ve stayed in a haunted hotel—three times to be exact. Yes, despite weird occurrences, I went back. And I stayed the whole night. And I slept, though weird noises did stir me awake once in a while. I guess I can’t truly prove the hauntedness of these places, so maybe I should say allegedly haunted, but when you find your personal items standing on end in odd positions when you never touched them, it makes you think. I guess I don’t scare easily, and I do feel protected. I think we all are, which in the end, leads back to the light.

So, perhaps I’m cheerful with a dark side. One of the books I own is entitled THE DARK SIDE OF LIGHT CHASERS, by Debbie Ford. I have a habit of skimming or partially reading all sorts of non-fiction books about science, spirituality, religion, metaphysics—and really anything that’s a weird pseudoscience. I found THE DARK SIDE… book particularly intriguing as it teaches us to accept and embrace all facets of our personality, the good and bad, the positive and negative, the mixture we all have.

Personal and professional experience, as well as many ancient teachings, has shown that denying or fighting against our flaws and imperfections, anger for one, often leads to increased physical or emotional distress. Instead, embracing these qualities as an undeniable part of you (of each of us), allows room for them to dissipate, and makes it easier to channeling these energies constructively, enabling us to learn and grow, and create positive change. It’s one of the themes my novel, SINAI UNHINGED, struggles with, finding the balance between darkness and light.

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