With all the sadness going on around us these days, I wanted to spend a few words focusing on some positive events lately and finding gratitude in the little things.
So here we go:
1. I found a quarter on the ground this morning and ended up needing a meter.
2. While it hurts like hell, my cat likes me enough to scale my entire body with her claws even at the most inopportune moments (like the middle of cooking or the middle of my workout when my hands aren’t free to stop her).
3. I am lucky enough to have been born into a loving family that, while we have our dysfunction, is solid and reliable. And fun.
4. I have a job where I have the potential to make a positive difference in children’s lives everyday.
5. Puppies and kittens exist.
6. This thing does not exist:
7. I know I am loved.
8. I know I can use my body, mind, and soul to make others feel loved.
9. I am kind. And when I’m not feeling kind, I choose to be kind anyway.
10. I grew up playing outside, but also know what it’s like spending hours in front of a Nintendo.
11. I have people I know will pick up the phone when I call them.
12. Chocolate.
13. This:
14. And this:
15. And this:
16. And while there are many things going on right now that are not these things, we are beautifully and imperfectly made to choose for ourselves how we respond.
17. I choose to respond with hope and love (and activism).
18. And I have the opportunity today to make a few people stop and think about the little things.
What are you grateful for?