We’re now into the beginning of June which means that summer is almost here! Just recently, fellow writers and I were talking about how summer can serve as an inspiration in our writing lives. I thought that this would be a great topic to carry over into a blog post. No matter what your age, summer can bring on the feeling of relaxation and thoughts of vacations to tropical islands even if we don’t actually go anywhere. Getting into a restful, calm, mindset can do wonders for our writing and for our mental health. Of course, this is easier said than done and for some of us, summer can be even busier than the rest of the year, but here are a few things I would like you to keep in mind as the summer gets underway:
CONJURE UP THOSE NOSTALGIC SUMMER MEMORIES AND FEELINGS. What is your favorite summer memory? What were your favorite sights, smells, and experiences during the summer that have stayed with you over the years? Write about that!
STEP OUT OF THE NORMAL ROUTINE. Summers are a perfect time to take a vacation or a road trip and do something that is not part of everyday life. Sometimes that may mean stepping out of your comfort zone and into summer adventures. The same goes for your writing! Step out of your writing comfort zone. Maybe try to write in a different genre or tell the story from a different character’s point of view. Try something new and see what happens. You may surprise yourself.
BREAKS ARE OKAY AND NECESSARY. Breaks are important because it gives you time to pause and live your life which can lead to creativity and prevent burnout.
GET RID OF GUILT AND SET REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS. How often do you find yourself feeling guilty as a writer? Maybe you didn’t reach the word count you wanted so it made you feel guilty. Or, maybe the project you had been outlining is dragging but you got another idea that is bursting to get out and you suddenly want to work on that second project. You might feel guilty about working on two things at once. Maybe you have so many responsibilities and said “Yes” to too many things that it leaves you little time to write so you feel guilty. If this sounds like you, you may be spreading yourself too thin and all of this guilt is taking up space for your creativity. Look at your schedule and try to set realistic ways to carve in some writing time.
DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU. This is probably the most important thing in the world. Everyone works differently. Everyone has different things going on in their lives. Stuff happens. Whether you are a pantster or a plotter, it doesn’t matter. Find what works for you and go with it. Just like summer, this may only last for a short time. What works for you now may not work for you later. It’s okay. Stay in the moment, be forgiving of yourself and have fun. Isn’t that what summer is all about anyway?
Happy summer and happy writing!