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Jill Hannah Anderson

Dancing as Fast as We Can

We all know that feeling in our chest. The clutching, painful stab if we dance too fast, too hard, pushing our body into overdrive. It's as if we've been strapped into the front seat of the highest roller coaster, our eyeballs popping out of their sockets as our heart beats like Thumper's big rabbit foot.

But maybe that's just me because I'm terrified of heights. Still, even with my feet planted firmly on the ground, nearly every day I feel as if I'm trying to stuff 34 hours of life into each 24 hour day.

And I'm not alone. We know we can't do it all, yet we keep trying. As though if we just dance a little faster through life, we can get every-stinking-desire-goal-dream crammed in along with our requirements of life such as the day job that pays our bills, time spent with our family and friends, and hoping there’s a sliver left to fit a bit of fun into our lives.

If you are old enough, you might remember the movie "I'm Dancing As Fast As I Can", from 1982. It was a biographical film about a high-strung woman relying heavily on sedatives to reduce the tension and anxiety in her life. While I've refrained from reaching for sedatives, I've also realized that over-stuffing my life with a never-ending to-do list is just as unhealthy as sedatives.

I look at other authors, who now wear a hundred hats besides their writer one. I am almost positive they have given up sleeping in order to juggle everything else that goes hand-in-hand with getting their book(s) published. They've got to feel like they're doing a fast-paced jig at all times!

I started out loving to read books which then mushroomed into this crazy idea to write them. My world wouldn't be the same without books, and nobody is forcing me to put blood, coffee-sweat, and ice-cream tears into writing them. I'm guessing that since you’re reading this, you are an avid reader too. What most readers don’t understand is the time it takes to write, re-write, rip-apart-and-write-again, and then get the semi-polished manuscript published. I used to be in their shoes, thinking “Hurry up, already, and get your next book written” after I’d finish reading a book from a favorite author.

We all need to choose a balance in our lives so our brain isn't always doing the jitter-bug. While we, as authors, work on spreading the love about our books, it is also important that we help spread the love of all books in general.

And we need YOUR help doing it. I hope you join in to share a favorite read of yours, whether by word of mouth or posting a review (preferably both!) Yes, I know, you're busy, but it will only take a minute... no longer than a spin around the dance floor. :)

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