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The Process...

Allan Kramer

As I’m proceeding through the publication process for Magehunter, I thought I’d bring you along for the ride.

Checkpoint 1: Product

Okay, it goes without saying (gonna say it anyway) that without a finished book, the publication process grinds to a halt. However, having finished Magehunter in early 2016, that step is covered.

It starts with a collection of ideas and we authors take those ideas and collate them into a working outline. No, I’m not that nerdy English class guy that outlines everything within an inch of its life.

In the case of this book series, my outline is a collection of virtual index cards, with chapter information. I also have a character list, with any other important information about each character written there.

Once the outline took shape, the writing began, even though I already had the preface and first chapter done. Interestingly, the first chapter was written three times, the last finally feeling like I was off to the start I wanted.

Next in line from finishing the manuscript, comes the submission process, otherwise known as biting nails time. After submission, I waited a fair bit to hear something. Finally, to my great relief, the publisher contracted the entire series.

So, from here on out, you’ll be riding along with me through the process of editor assignment, substantive editing, cover art, ARCs, read requests, and so forth. Oh, and did I mention…

MAGEHUNTER is coming!

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