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Being a TV Star...

Jeff Messick

On May 18th, I can be found here... ...

I'm going to be a TV Star! Actually, I'm guesting on an Internet talk show aimed at the entertainment industry. Slate Me! is hosted by actress Samantha Heer and a good friend of mine (and writer too) is a producer on the show.

What will I talk about? I have no idea. I'm expecting some early questions by email and a guide to how the show will shape up, but I have a few ideas.

What's most important when writing, either books, or movies? Plot, or characters? If you know me, you'll know my answer. If you don't know me, characters either edge out plot, or completely dominate it. So, I'm hoping they'll ask me about that, I can give examples!

I'm not sure what they can ask me about the film industry that I can answer, except for the writing portion, but I critique movies regularly, even more so, TV shows. Reference my thoughts on the Netflix release of Iron Fist from earlier entries in this blog. So, maybe we can talk a bit about what interests me in a show, or movie, and why. I can give examples!

My producer friend (and writer too) that I mentioned invited me on the show for their second season, so I will be heading north to Dallas soon, for a day or two. I hear rumors their may be other information about myself coming soon. (Sadly, no examples yet.)

I also intend to spout (favorably!) about Pandamoon Publishing. I can't thank my fellow pandas enough, especially Mama Panda, who saw fit to publish my work. I am humbled (if you can believe that). Oh, and I can give examples!

So, if you're in the industry, or not, be on the lookout. The show is broadcast on the web, and I believe the show I'm on will be released the next week, maybe. So I might not be a huge star, like Mr. Spacey above, but hey, gotta start somewhere!

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