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Elgon Williams

Getting Ready for a Road Trip

Early on in my latest novel, BECOMING THUPERMAN, there is a road trip. What kid doesn't like a road trip? And it is the kid that still lurks somewhere inside of me that is excited about the prospects of what's coming next week. I'm going to Chicago to be a part of C2E2 (Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo), which is scheduled for 4.21.17 through 4.23.17!

Now, most normal people who are going from O-Town (where I live) to Chi-Town would fly into O'Hare or Midway. That would be far too easy, and, dare I say it, rather dull. Besides, who ever said I am normal? Of course, if I was seeking some excitement on the flight, I might choose to fly United. Sorry for the cheap shot there. But as much as I hate flying anyway, the sort of thing that has been in the news lately only adds to my anxiety.

Anyway, I'm flying via another carrier to Cleveland instead of Chicago. Why? Because my publicist lives there and we're going to hang out together for a few days, see some sights and meet all these people she tells me about who populate her real world. And in the midst of all that, we are driving over to Chicago to be a part of the C2E2, just like I said. Lots of famous people will be there, including legendary Marvel Comics genius Stan Lee. If anyone wants to advance me $100, I can have my picture taken with him. Or maybe we can dream a bit and hope that Stan Lee will want to give me $100 so that he can have his picture taken with me, the one and only person on the planet named Elgon. Hey, it could happen, right? Maybe not in any other universe than those that exist in my mind or in my books. But anything is possible!

Christine Gabriel

Here's the real deal, though. Christine Gabriel, publicist extraordinaire and fellow Pandamoon Publishing Author, is getting married next week. So, where does an award-winning, bestselling YA author go on her honeymoon and what does she do? Why? Of course, she would want to go to a Comic Con with her best friend, fellow PM author and, yes, I'm her publicist. See how that works out? Not to be forgotten, though, JD Fulton, C's soon to be hubby, is coming along, too. In fact, he's the one driving.

Christine and JD

So, picture this: JD, Christine, and me in a Mustang packed with our luggage, C's books and mine along with various other promotional stuff, cruising the Interstate across northern Ohio and Indiana en route to downtown Chicago's McCormick Center.

Yes, there will be pictures and videos to document this momentous outing. And we're going to be in Chicago with the fabulous five other Pandas: Alisse Lee Goldenberg, David Valdes Greenwood, Meg Bonney, Dana Faletti, and Penni Jones. Who knows what will happen? I'm looking forward to meeting everyone in person for the first time ever!

Alisse Lee Goldenberg

David Valdes Greenwood
Meg Bonney

Dana Faletti
Penni Jones

I don't know if this is common knowledge, but Pandamoon Publishing authors communicate with each other quite a lot--sometimes on an almost daily basis. Therefore, it isn't like we're total strangers. Sometimes we help one another with marketing and creative questions, and always provide encouragement and support. We really do function as a community of artists with diverse backgrounds but also many common goals, which is pretty rare in the world of publishing.

Elgon Williams, The One and Only

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