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Rachel Sharp

Spontanious Adventure: The Best Kind

On Saturday, I went for a walk.

It got a bit out of hand.

I was feeling unusually well, and I decided to take myself out. It was a nice summer weekend. I had some good words cooling in the new manuscript. I thought I might go to the park. Since I live in midtown Manhattan, the nearest park is...well, it's a big one.

That one.

I dropped into a Duane Reade (pointedly dismissing the doom-covered news stand) for some sunscreen and sunglasses, since I didn't own any, and hoofed it to greener pastures. I took my cane, and only had to take three breaks. When I made it to the edge of the park, I realized I'd come out near the zoo.

So, for no good reason, I went to the zoo.

There was a panda! (Sort of.)

I could totally take on that bear! Rawr! (The bears' names are Betty and Veronica.)

By the time I made it out of the zoo, I needed a longer sitting break, but this guy didn't want to move over for me.

Bench hog.

And then I decided to check out the Children's Zoo, since it's included in the ticket to the main attraction. Which is, of course, where things got silly.

There were cavies (giant cousins of the guinea pig), and ducks, and a petting zoo.

In the petting zoo, there were goats.

I like goats. I think goats are the punk rockers of the animal world. There's a goat in my first book. And there was a nice lady holding a sign inviting people to get their picture taken with a goat. So, like any grown woman having a nice day out by herself, I got my picture taken with a goat.

Pandaverse, this is Virgo. He's cool.

Finally left the zoo and laid around in the sun for a while...

And stopped off to say hi to Balto on my way out, like I always do. A nice lady offered to take my picture, so I went for it. (I would never have done this with a native, but when it comes to handing off your camera phone, you can always trust a tourist.)

Now I'll spend the next week resting, recuperating, writing...and reminding myself that, disability or not, I'm allowed to have a life.

All in all, a pretty good walk.

See you in seven days!

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