What do moms really want for Mother’s day?
Every year, I struggle with this day. There’s so much Hallmark hype attached to it and such great expectations of reaction. Sometimes, I feel like I should have a nerve pill for breakfast on Mother’s Day just to maintain a calm, sweet smile throughout the morning. Just to make sure everyone is sufficiently pleased with my reception of their wonderful efforts. Already my thoughtful husband is asking me what I want to do on Mother’s day. Yesterday he said he wants to make the day perfect for me.
That is a tall order, and, although it is super sweet of him, it stresses me out a little.
So, what do I want for Mother’s Day?
Well, let’s see – Mother’s Day is on a Sunday, so I would like to go to church.
It would be super cool if everyone got themselves ready on time and in appropriate attire. No booty shorts. No belly shirts. Matching shoes.
And it would be amazing if we could leave a clean(ed up)house, so that when we return from church, I don’t have to spend an hour picking up from Saturday night and Sunday morning.
No fighting about the radio station. In fact, I am going to go crazy and request that I get to listen to Sirius XM Broadway to and from church. Hopefully this won’t push my tween daughter into a frenzy of angst.
And, all day I would like it if my children asked my husband to get them drinks, snacks, entertainment troubleshooting, etc… in lieu of asking me.
I’d like to spend the day reading or writing or hanging out next to my backyard pool if the weather is right.
I don’t need fancy jewelry or a pedicure (God forbid.)
I don’t want breakfast in bed. Call me ungrateful, but I prefer to keep the mess in the kitchen and not have it travel to the second floor and onto my bed, leaving crumbs all along the way and in my sheets- gag. You can say I’m no fun – that the kids like to do it for me and blah dee blah blah blah.
It’s Mother’s day, though, so I’m going to unapologetically ask to do it my way. No breakfast in bed. In fact, no kids making breakfast!
Now coffee is a different story. A cup of coffee is always welcome.
I don’t need gift certificates to stores. As my mother always says- if I want something, I’ll buy it.
I don’t want dinner at a grand restaurant or a fancy buffet brunch.
Please no!
In fact, I might even want to whip up my own yummy dinner. I could sip a glass of my favorite wine and listen to the Sting station on Pandora with the background music of happy children jumping on the trampoline outside my kitchen window.
I want to wear sweats and a t-shirt.
In short, I want to relax.
I want my husband to run interference so I don’t have to handle most of the stress and scuffle that occurs when three children navigate any given day in our house.
I want the beauty of the perfectly ordinary, not the stress that extraordinary gestures bring with them when they hope to usher in perfection.
And~ I want to pee in peace. Just keepin’ it real.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms! Hope you spend this weekend doing exactly what makes you
happy, whether it be spa, shopping, or simple silence. Enjoy!