Good morning, everyone!
I've had a very busy morning reading some great pitches with #WritePit. I cannot tell you how much fun it is!
I suppose you're wondering why I mentioned a secret in the title of this post, and what that opening thought has to do with it. Well, searching through pitches has me thinking about one great sub genre that doesn't (in my opinion) get enough attention. It also just happens to be a part of my big secret.
Are you ready?
In nearly every bio that you'll read about me, it says that my love of historical romance began when I was fifteen, which is true. But what I never mention is that the first romance novel I read was not a Regency-set historical romance. BOOM! There's the truth. The first novel I read was called Blue Moon and it was written by an author named Jill Marie Landis.
While Blue Moon is set in 1819, it takes place in Southern Illinois, not England.
For a long time, I only read Southern historical romances, wild west romances, and anything to do with cowboys. It was two years after my love had begun that I went to university and took a 17th-18th century literature course and discovered the works of Jane Austen. It quite literally changed my life. From then on, I became immersed in a soul-deep love of English history and Regency-set historical romance.
So there you have it. My big secret. Phew!
Thank you so much for reading! Happy Friday, everyone!